Search results

  1. OliverR

    Download of webinar project

    If it's available it should be in the App Library ( on the TracerPlus website. If not that exact app, there's bound to be similar apps available for download that you can use as a starting point and then further tweak to your needs.
  2. OliverR

    Updating a record from another session

    Hi Ryan, This is fairly easy to do but I understand it's not very obvious if you're new to TracerPlus. In your new session you would need to add an additional field that looks up the location in the session that contains all the asset details. This field should be a lookup field, this means...
  3. OliverR

    Cannot Connect Symbol/Zebra MC319Z

    Hi Jonathan, What OS are you running on the laptop? There are some issues with connecting WinCE devices to W10 computers. PTS did a webinar on this just recently. You can watch it here: Basically you'll need to do a couple of fixes to get Windows Mobile Device Center functioning properly in...
  4. OliverR

    How do I download a text file to a device to be the basis of a Lookup

    Hi Tom, to import a text file manually in TracerPlus you need to copy it to the \My Documents\TracerPlus9\Data\Import on the mobile device. Then, in your application, you need to go into the File menu and choose 'Import Data' -> 'All Sessions'. Your text file will need to be named...
  5. OliverR

    Label to show last scanned item problem

    Hi Brent, If your only real problem at the moment is that you have to delete the text in the input field before scanning the next item, I think the easiest way would be to add a Smartform rule (under the Data Capture settings of your session) that would just send any scanned barcode to that...
  6. OliverR

    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    If those sessions never need to be opened I think you can just uncheck the 'Enabled' checkbox in TP Desktop next to the Session Name field at the top. This will stop them from being shown on the launcher screen, but you can still use them as lookup sessions if I'm not mistaken. It's been a long...
  7. OliverR

    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    Hi Tom, The form logic rules are as follows: 1) If the validation on Control ID 7 (ie. the 2nd barcode field) fails, the focus goes to Control ID 11 (ie. the 'compare failed' label on the 2nd tab) 2) If the validation on Control ID 7 is successful, the focus goes to Control ID 14 (ie. the...
  8. OliverR

    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    Hi Tom, I whipped something up real quick. TracerPlus doesn't allow to customize the background color of error messages (yet) so I worked around that by just directing the user to different tabs with different labels (those you can change the colors of) depending on the validation outcome, and...
  9. OliverR

    remote users

    Do you mean installling TracerPlus on the cellphone, or deploying your project (ie. Tracer is already installed on the phone). In both cases action from the user is required. To install TracerPlus on an Android phone, the user would need to download it from the Play Store, and activate it using...
  10. OliverR

    RFID on the TC20 set up for file tracking - Video

    Your link points to a mail address, Brad :) But interesting video, I copied the url manually.
  11. OliverR

    Sync successful (with errors)

    Hi John, that message in itself does not say much. To get a better understanding of what errors or problems occur exactly you would need to have the Connect event log open (in Connect Management Studio go to the Tools menu and choose Event log). You want to set the logging level to 'Warning'...
  12. OliverR

    V10 Desktop alongside V9.5?

    That's correct, Andrew. Connect installs alongside each other, too.
  13. OliverR

    Two functions I can’t work out.

    Hi Lyndon, If you want to share your project you should do this by exporting it (in TracerPlus desktop go the File menu, then choose Export). This will generate a .tpe file that you can then upload to this forum; the .tpe file will include your entire project. Uploading just the .tpp file like...
  14. OliverR

    form error

    Hi pob, chances are you've solved your problem (or worked around it) by now. If that's not the case, I'm afraid I don't quite understand what the setup and flow is that you're trying to accomplish here. Is it possible for you to post an export of your project here so that I can have a look at...
  15. OliverR

    Layering Fields on TPDesktop

    Hi Mark, It looks like you're making things unnecessarily complicated :) If you don't need a field to be visible to the user, you can just uncheck the 'visible' checkbox in the field settings. It will then not be created on the form when you set up a default form, and it will not be visible to...
  16. OliverR

    Layering Fields on TPDesktop

    Hi Mark, You can put fields in front or in back of other fields just fine in the form designer, just drag them on top of each other. However, keep in mind that only 1 field (that with the lowest Control ID of the two, ie the one in front) will be visible to the user. I would not recommend doing...
  17. OliverR

    How to format date in a SQL statement?

    Hi Howie, Thanks for the reply. The reason I was doing it with SQL is because I'm adding multiple records from Session B - along with field data from Session A - into Session A, based on 1 field in Session A. I'm using SQL to retrieve those records. INSERT INTO Session6 (Field1, Field2...
  18. OliverR

    How to format date in a SQL statement?

    Hey guys, I'm using a SQL statement to insert the date into a session field, but I can't seem to find how to format it to "dd/MM/yyyy" format (or any other format, for that matter). Here's what I've got that's working so far: INSERT INTO Session1 SELECT GETDATE() That's simple enough...
  19. OliverR

    Connect says 'no records found' even though there are records

    I've found the problem. I had unchecked a field in the Query Designer window, because I didn't need that to be visible, but I needed to filter on it so that's why I included it. If I check the box to have it visible, syncing works fine.
  20. OliverR

    Connect says 'no records found' even though there are records

    Hi Joseph, thanks for your reply. Yes, all tables are local in the database, . I've never had issues in the past with syncing from queries or views. I would think if there was a problem with the query, that the data viewer wouldn't show me anything. But I can see the records fine in the Data...