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  1. Steve

    Change tab trigger

    In form logic, it would be helpful if there was an event that is triggered when the user changes tabs on a form.
  2. Steve

    Populating a grid conontrol via SQL

    We talked about populating a grid control via a SQL statement in one of the webinars. Is this going to be added to TP at some point?
  3. Steve

    Undo in Form Logic

    It would be nice if there was an undo button that worked with the form logic window only.
  4. Steve

    Dynamic Dropdowns

    Personally, I would like the flexibility that would come with populating the drop down directly with a SQL statement and would like this in addition to a more user friendly option. If you are going to change the logic behind the dropdowns it would be nice if you could accommodate multiple...
  5. Steve

    Dynamic Dropdowns

    I have a dynamic dropdown that filters out completed order lines. It seems that once the order is compete and TPC does not return any data, the drop down list still contains data from the last refresh that returned data. Is there a way to clear the drop down list before refreshing it or when...
  6. Steve

    Flow control options

    1. Missed that one. I'll give it a try. 2. That is what I am doing, which is what let me to the though.
  7. Steve

    Flow control options

    Two things would help me interact with users on the client. 1. A message box with yes, no and cancel button that could trigger different actions depending on the users answer. I could then make message boxes such as "Quantity shipped is greater than quantity ordered. Do you which to add to...
  8. Steve

    Undo on accedental tab control delete.

    No specific steps beyond opening the scan weights session, changing to form design and deleting the tab. The poject should be attached.
  9. Steve

    Undo on accedental tab control delete.

    In Build if you accidently delete the tab control on a form and then click on undo, all of the controls on the form are restored as expected. However, when you build and deploy the form the system displays the error message “Error during deploy: Object reference not set to an...
  10. Steve

    Form Logic Action Field

    I am writing fairly long SQL statements in the form logic screen. It would be nice if the Action Value field could be expanded and wrap text like it does in the Custom SQL field in the Variable Options screen so you can see the whole statement at once. Currently even if I stretch the field all...