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  1. Z

    SQL Insert/Update signature field

    Hi Guys, How to write SQL to Insert/Update signature field from current session to another session? In current session15 have signature field (Field5) and I want to insert the same signature into session16 (Field1). SQL script will be like this: INSERT INTO Session16 (Field1) VALUES('[*4*]')...
  2. Z

    Launch another session from a current session

    Hi Guys, I'm just wondering is it possible to launch another session from a current session. I need to do master detail form which from master form can open detail form directly without need to exit the form. Thank you.
  3. Z

    Grid issue using button Done

    Hi, is there a way to skip the record without rfid being saved?
  4. Z

    Grid issue using button Done

    Hi. I'm new user of tracerplus desktop and still learning. I've a question. Please refer to images attached. Why my save button (button action Done) saved 3 records instead of 2 records in grid? Do i miss-out some configuration? Thank you.