Flow control options


New Member
Two things would help me interact with users on the client.

1. A message box with yes, no and cancel button that could trigger different actions depending on the users answer. I could then make message boxes such as "Quantity shipped is greater than quantity ordered. Do you which to add to order?" Yes would click a submit button, no would click a clear form button and cancel would do nothing take the user back to the form to fix the data.

2. It would be nice if the if/conditions clause when used with a click action supported the else clause and allowed you to click a different button if the condition is false. For example I could validate data in the if clause and if it passes the click a button that executes a SQL statement to write the data to a table, if not display an error message.

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the feedback. I have commented on your two points below:

1. We have a Confirmation Prompt button action that can handle the Yes / No actions that you mention however this prompt lacks the Cancel button so it would either have to be a Yes or a No.

2. I have even asked for this myself :) I will log as a feature request so that in the case of a Click action, the else value should be looking for a Control ID vs a Value that the else is typically expecting (The reason why this wasn't added initially). I feel like you could still do this now with 2 separate rules though by specifying a different "if" in the separate rule that triggers the error message.


New Member
1. Missed that one. I'll give it a try.
2. That is what I am doing, which is what let me to the though.