Upgrading to Tracerplus 9.1

Robert Petricek

New Member
I am preparing to upgrade my Tracerplus Desktop/Mobile and Connect from 8.1 to 9.1. Was wondering if anyone has any input as to what would be the best plan forward and if there are any traps or pitfalls to watch out for. Are there any good instructions or procedures which might help?

Dan Peluso

Staff member
Hi Bob,

There may be others in the community with some additional opinion but I can add some insight.

Version 8 and Version 9 should install/operate independently on both the PC (TracerPlus Desktop and TracerPlus Connect) as well as on the mobile device. The one catch is with TP Connect in that if you are running both version 8 and version 9, they use the same default ports so they will conflict with each other. If you change these ports in one of the installs, however, that should not be an issue.

Robert Petricek

New Member
Thanks Dan. Good to know about the ports. While I don't plan to run both versions at the same time I could have done it during the testing phase which would have caused some problems. For other peoples benefit I always take screen shots of all my connections in Connect. This way if anything changes during the install I can easily find the errors.