V10 Desktop alongside V9.5?

Andrew S

New Member
Hello. I'd like to look at V10 but I don't want to mess up my V9.5 install. Does the V10 installer coexist with V9.5 or does it upgrade it?
Also, are there any release notes for V10 so that I can see what changes there are compared toV 9.5?
Thanks, Andrew.

Dan Peluso

Staff member

Version 10 will install along side to TP 9.5 so you should be ok installing that in line with 9.5. On the device side, it will also install seperately as a 2nd app so no crossover effect should happen there either.

I don't think we have release notes available for this beta release but I can ask if someone has something prepared. We usually build that document out as a last step before final releaese. I will update here if I am able to locate anything.

Andrew S

New Member
Thanks for getting back to me Dan. I assume the same is true for Connect? - I can install it alongside 9.5?
- Andrew.
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Dan Peluso

Staff member
Yes, TP Connect would have the same behavior. The only thing to consider with TP Connect though is the port usage. By default, both 9.5 and 10.0 will be trying to use the default ports of 4403 and 4404.

You will not be able to *run* both apps at the same time unless you change one of those versions port settings since they would conflict.

If you are not intending to run at the same time, this may not be an issue.