Session to session export.

Tony Francour

New Member
Currently, when two of our scanners are in operation in separate locations, they both contain duplicate data of our current assets (mainly because the assets can be fairly mobile around campus due to remodeling, expansion, etc). The second one to export updated assets to the database will reset, with unchanged data, all the newly updated assets exported by the first scanner to the database.
Is there a way to set the submit button to save the collected data from one session on the scanner in another session during the collection process?
[ex. When collecting inventory data session one has all the current inventory. When the submit button is pushed after scanning and updating an asset, is it possible to push the updated data to session two, which is blank and waiting to be filled with the newly updated assets for later export to the data base.]
Or is there a better method to collecting or a change I can make to the Access Database to prevent resetting of data when two or more scanners are in operation simultaneously.

Tony Francour

New Member
I have solved the problem by using the options tab on Connect. In my Profile to export the data from tracerplus to Access I set a filter for the current date, and only items with that date will export to the database, preventing any old data not scanned on the current date from being exported to the database. Tracerplus is a nicely done software! It is fun to work and create with!

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
Thanks for the feedback Tony.

Another way to do this is to do your scans in a session that is separate from you asset list session and add lookup fields. This way you only have the scanned records and could sync those to your asset list.

Tony Francour

New Member
Thanks for the feedback Tony.

Another way to do this is to do your scans in a session that is separate from you asset list session and add lookup fields. This way you only have the scanned records and could sync those to your asset list.
Thanks Joe,

That's a much simpler solution