Search results

  1. Brad Horn

    Mobile RFID Feature - Locate Missing Items with the RFID Geiger Feature

    Here is a quick video that demonstrates RFID Geiger in action -
  2. Brad Horn

    CipherLab USA Announces Strategic Partnership with Portable Technology Solutions (PTS)
  3. Brad Horn

    Webinar 1-13-16 - Getting Started with TracerPlus

    This is a great way to get started quickly developing Mobile Solutions with TracerPlus. Please join us -
  4. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus OBD-2 Scan Tool Integration - Mobile Vehicle Testing

    This video show two exciting TracrePlus Features 1) TracerPlus is now integrated with OBD-2 Scan tools for car emission and service testing. 2) TracerPlus is not just for barcoding and RFID, it is commonly integrated w/ 3rd party hardware to speed data collection.
  5. Brad Horn

    Open Office Hours - Last Week of 2015! Join us and see what it is all about.
  6. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus Open Office Hours

    Attention all customer and re sellers with active support agreements, please join us for Open Office Hours. Click the link to see what we have coming up.
  7. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus 9.1 Release Webinar

    See what is new in TracerPlus 9.1 - Join us this Thursday -
  8. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus Connect Webinar - Tomorrow 11-10-15
  9. Brad Horn

    Running TracerPlus Desktop on a MAC? - FAQ Posted
  10. Brad Horn

    Syncing your Mobile Device via Connect to Excel

    The latest webinar is posted on youtube -
  11. Brad Horn

    PTS Featured in RFID Journal- Check out the story!
  12. Brad Horn

    Demo Survey Posted

    In our never ending efforts to make TracerPlus the most intuitive enterprise class mobile application building tool we have released this survey to get your feedback.
  13. Brad Horn

    Upcoming Webinars - Oracle and Excel - Connect them both with TracerPlus Connect
  14. Brad Horn

    Mobile Barcode and RFID ROI Calculator is Up

    Check out this new #barcode and #RFID ROI Calculator
  15. Brad Horn

    Sync your Mobile Data w/ Salesforce Using TracerPlus

    - New video was just posted.
  16. Brad Horn

    Syncing TracerPlus with Saleforce Video Released on YouTube

    Great little video on setting up a connection between a TracerPlus Form and Salesforce. This one is a simple one w/ Accounts and Contacts but you can connect any data you want!
  17. Brad Horn

    Raising the Roof of RFID ROI - Video

    - Check out our latest video that shows the ROI our customers are seeing with RFID.
  18. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus 9.0 on Google Play

    A friendly FYI for those that don't know ( the original launch to GooglePlay was not announced on the forum ) ... TracerPlus is available for download directly from GooglePlay. If you have time please take a test drive...
  19. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus Connect - Connect to MS Access Webinar Video is Posted

    For those that missed the webinar here is the recording.
  20. Brad Horn

    TracerPlus User Survey

    If you have a few moments please take the time and fill out the following survey: