Barcode scan volume control Motorola MC9190

Mark Workman

New Member
When we scan barcodes, the beep is very loud (everyone in the room stops what they are doing).
I have the volume turn off on the handset. The manual say the software controls this if I read it right. Can this be controlled from TracerPlus? Windows Mobile Device Center did not seem to have this setting.

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
Hi Mark,

Currently, TracerPlus does not have any functionality built in to control the volume of the scanner. In my personal experience I have not been able to control the volume of the scanner in general other than full sound or muting it all together by turning down all settings in the Sound settings section. Also note that this issue would only exist on Windows Based devices as Android devices allow you to control this volume using the devices main volume controls.

Mark Workman

New Member
Thanks for the help. I did try to mute the device without luck. I likely missed a setting. Now that we are using it out on the shop floor, it is noisy and the sound is not bad. It made everyone jump in the office area where I tested it. Thanks again.