Bluetooth Printing

Tim Harvey

New Member
When printing to a Bluetooth printer a Pair name is established to pair the devices. Is it possible to have more than one Windows Mobile or Android device print to the same Bluetooth printer? Or do you have to set the printer up as a network device.

Fahim Ali

New Member

You should be able to pair the printer to multiple devices, and print from those devices at will. I don't think you can queue up print jobs like a normal printer, as when the printing process takes place the pairing is re-established, but after that point and before the next print, the pairing is dormant, allowing access to the same printer from a different device.

Tim Harvey

New Member
Thanks, it also looks like you can assign a different Bluetooth printer to each of the reports under TP 9.1 so you can print to multiple printers with a single Android or Windows Mobile TP application?

Fahim Ali

New Member
That's correct. To enable this functionality make sure to use print buttons on your form which can be assigned to your different reports.

Tim Harvey

New Member
Does TP require that you first have a Bluetooth printer paired to the Android device? I'm having trouble getting my RS30 paired to a Zebra GX420BT printer but anyway if this is required can an Android device pair to more than one printer at a time so if you want to print to more than one printer at a time you can just by identifying the name of the printer?

Fahim Ali

New Member
You must pair the Bluetooth printer to the Android device first before TracerPlus will see it. TracerPlus has no facility to establish the pairing itself, that is done through the Android operating system.

Once you have your Bluetooth printer paired, you can pair any additional printers you want to use. The Bluetooth connections to the printers are made on demand, i.e., only when a print operation is taking place. That being said, if you had two buttons on your form, both pointing to two print reports (with their own respective printers), on press of those buttons they would find the correct printer and assuming the printer was previously paired and is in connection range, they will send the data to the appropriate printer.