Button Action Scan

Tim Harvey

New Member
Are there only certain devices that the Button Action Behavior Scan works with? I've tried it with a Honeywell 70e Windows Mobile device but I can't get the button action to trigger the barcode scanner.

Fahim Ali

New Member
Hi Tim,

You are correct that the Scan button action only works with certain devices. Specifically, on Windows Mobile, the Scan button action only works with Motorola devices and Janam devices that use the Motorola scan engine. Honeywell's scan engine is not supported.

On Android all devices with a camera are supported as the Scan button action triggers the camera scanner.

Tim Harvey

New Member
Thanks. What the customer wants is to emulate a presentation scanner with a TP form. So I would set up a button action to trigger the scanner and then use the timer on a 1 second or so loop to move focus to the button and then an OnFocus button event to Click the button. I don't have a Motorola device to test this, but does this seem possible to you?
This is only for a special case, most of the time they would be using it as a normal portable device with other forms and then use a special TP form for this feature. Also sounds like a battery killer so they would have to set it in the charging cradle.

Fahim Ali

New Member

If I'm understanding you correctly, by presentation scanner you mean the scanner is turned on/off in a specific interval so the user does not have to press the scan trigger (or button on the form), it is kind of like what you would see at a retail store where items are scanned into the system?

Fahim Ali

New Member

I would be wary about setting up a timing loop with the scanner for reasons you bring up (battery life) and other issues (what happens when the scanner doesn't find a barcode?). The scanner can get into a weird state. Do you know what device the customer is using? The Motorola micro kiosk devices (the MK4000 and MK5000) have a built in presentation mode that is supported in TracerPlus.

Tim Harvey

New Member
We are reviewing all of the options available with the customer. One of those is the Kiosk product however these are not portable and most of the time the customer needs it to be portable. It is just a special situation when they are working with some chemicals that they want a presentation scanner since they will be wearing gloves and don't want to pick up the scanner. Most likely we will just use a regular barcode scanner connected to a laptop and not use TP or the portable device in this situation at all. I just wanted to know if you had any experience with triggering a scanner in a loop with TP and if that was a valid solution or problematic.

Fahim Ali

New Member
I have not used TracerPlus in such a situation before but I did set up a test project, and I noticed the scan engine started acting up when it was triggered repeatedly in a loop. I can't guarantee that it will or won't work for your situation, but it is an interesting use case.