Can specify the Export Filename on the fly, in the Scanner?


New Member
I am exporting scanned data into a CSV file. IN the export setting in Desktop I can specify the name of the export file. That works for some cases but I have a specific use case:

1. User is on an island with multiple inventory outlets.
2. Wifi is not available at each outlet. And it's not possible to have a cradle at each outlet location

So, user gets in a jeep w/ scanner and drives to Location 1 (MainBeach) and scans all the inventory.
When they are finished there I would like for them to be able to <touch some button> and be PROMPTED for a filename for the export file. User could tap in 'MainBeach.csv' and the TP client would create that export name and save it on the scanner. User clears all the records to get ready for next outlet.

Then, user gets in a jeep w/ scanner and drives to Location 2 (NorthBeach) and scans all the inventory.
When they are finished there I would like for them to be able to <touch some button> and be PROMPTED for a filename for the export file. User could tap in 'NorthBeach.csv' and the TP client would create that export name and save it on the scanner.

And so on for each location.

When they get back to the main office they cradle, sync and all the export files ( MainBeach.CSV, NorthBeach.CSV, PiratesCove.CSV, AtlantisGrill.CSV, BlueGrotto.CSV etc..) will be synced to the Windows desktop.

Any ideas?? Thanks!

Dan Peluso

Staff member

The latest version of TracerPlus allows specifying a custom file name and a selectable folder path for exporting that file. This should allow you to do what you need.
This is available via the File-->Export-->Custom menu option on Windows Mobile and the Menu-->Export custom menu option on Android.

Is this something that could work for you?


New Member
Hi Dan. Thanks!
I'm not clear on this: the post says "This is available via the File-->Export-->Custom menu option on Windows Mobile"
Is the 'file' selector something I would put in my app via the form designer? Or is that an option in the windows mobile 'desktop' OS? My scanner is in Florida right now so I can't check it to see.

Dan Peluso

Staff member

This is not something you would configure in the Form Designer but it is the standard Windows style application menu. In TracerPlus, it is specifically the File menu option.
In most cases, this menu is visible to the user. I should note that there is an option to hide this in the TP Desktop configuration for your project. Most people do not choose to hide this menu but I figured I should mention that.


Hi, I thought I'd clarify things for ScanCode5000 with a couple of screenshots.

In the main screen you just click on the 'File' menu option at the bottom and then select 'Export Data' - 'Custom'

You can then select the session for which you would like to export the data

After selecting your session you can then give the file a name, as well as choose where it will be saved

So in your case the user would go through these steps after each location, and give each file a different name. Hope that helps!


New Member
wow... thanks SO much for taking the time to do all the screenshots. Incredibly kind and helpful. This info just turned a walk away bid into a deal. Thanks again!


New Member
Hi again. So I finally had time to get back to this project and I have hit a snag. The Export data option under File shows bot 'All Sessions and Custom as in your screenshot but only 'All sessions' is selectable. Custom is Grey'd out and inactive when selected. Any ideas? OS is windows CE 6.0 Traceplus is v9.00

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
It appears you may be attempting the export from the data entry screen which would result in this item being greyed out in version 9. You should be able to do the custom export if you try it from the Launcher screen or Data View screen. On a side note we have addressed this in the upcoming 9.1 release which will allow you to do this export from the entry screen.