Cannot Connect Symbol/Zebra MC319Z


New Member
I'm trying to get my first Tracer Plus project going. My first hurdle is that I'm unable to get TracerPlus Desktop to recognize the Symbol MC319Z. So, I'm unable to get the mobile client installed. The cradle is CRD3000-1001RR, connected to my laptop with a USB cable, and I've confirmed the WinCE OS version is 5.2.29315. I've disconnected and reconnected the cradle, restarted TP Desktop, but no progress yet.

Would appreciate any ideas or insight you guys have. Thanks!


Hi Jonathan,

What OS are you running on the laptop? There are some issues with connecting WinCE devices to W10 computers. PTS did a webinar on this just recently. You can watch it here:

Basically you'll need to do a couple of fixes to get Windows Mobile Device Center functioning properly in order for the laptop to recognize your WinCE device.

Dan Peluso

Staff member

Some of these fixes are mentioned in our knowledge base area at If you search for Windows 10, you should see a couple of different articles appear that tend to help most users.