Custom SQL?

David Morse

New Member
Trail User here. I'm looked at the sample project "Simple Inventory Count w. Custom SQL", but I don't see any sql. I was expecting that if I set my source to an ODBC type, I could write a select query to extract the data I want from my database. Without that it looks like I'll have to add a view to the database to structure the data. Am I missing something?

Dan Peluso

Staff member
Hi David,

This sample project actually uses a feature that exists on the *mobile* side of TracerPlus regarding custom sql commands. It involves executing custom SQL on the device side database to extract non-typical data from the local device DB. In the case of this sample, this custom SQL can be viewed in the "Total Item Qty in Location" field under the Variable options. for that field. If you wanted to extract some type of custom data from your existing PC Database, a View would be a reasonable way to go. Once that view is created, it is simple to attach a sync process to that view via TracerPlus Connect.

Let me know if that helps.