Mark Checkbox if numbers/character manually entered in a Field?

Joel Munoz

New Member
I'm seeking help. I want to add a feature where as soon as a key/character is entered in a particular Field, a checkbox is checked/clicked. I have been playing around with the form logic but haven't had any luck to accomplish this. I'm using the Janam XM70 scanner with TracerPlus V9.5

Screenshot attached is an idea of what I want it to do.


Howard Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Joel,

You may need to change the action to be SetValue 'True' rather than click. The Click action is used for buttons on the form and can't be used to change the state of a checkbox.

Let us know if this helps.

Joel Munoz

New Member
I tried doing so and nothing happened. I've attached another screenshot of what I want to accomplish. As soon as the user enters a Key in the location box, the audit box will check off.

Howard Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Joel,

The screenshot I have attached shows how I would set this up. The one important thing to note is that the FieldValueChanged event doesn't fire until the value is committed to the Field. This doesn't happen until focus is lost from the control that has the FieldValueChanged event turned on. However, the end result should give you the result you are looking for. If a user changes the value of a field, and does anything else on the form (so that the new value is committed) the CheckBox will be checked.

Let us know if this helps.


Joel Munoz

New Member
Yes, this works so far.

I only want to the Checkbox to be checked when FieldValueChanged with a key input but not a Barcode input. Is it possible to for the logic to distinguish from a Barcode Scan and a key input?

Howard Heckman III

Staff member
Yes, you can do this by adding a Field to your session, then change the FieldType to 'Variable'. Using the 'Variable Options' tab, change the Variable type to 'InputType', and set the Source Field to the field in which you want to detect the data entry method.

This should record the data entry method in the newly added field. You can then add an If condition to your previous Logic item so that the check box is not set to 'True' if the Input Type of your new field is a barcode scan.

Let us know if this helps.