Posting to different field on subsequent scan

Andrew S

New Member
I have an application that needs to do a scan at the beginning of the activity and another scan at the end. We need to capture the start/stop datetime as a single record. Is this currently possible with TP?

Fahim Ali

New Member

Add two fields to your session, set them both to Date Time type. Check in the Afterscan settings for both fields, make sure one of them has "Refresh before submit" turned on and the other off. The one where the refresh is turned on will have the date updated before the submit takes place (right at the end like you want). The one with it off will only refresh after a submit has taken place, so right at the beginning.

Andrew S

New Member
Sorry, I wasn't totally clear on my requirement. The start and end scans are at totally different times, with other scans in between. I tested the solution you mentioned but it doesn't allow for in-between scans (it stores the last scan time and uses it for the secondary time). I worked through the issue by creating two records and using a status field that has a different value between the first and second scan. Then I use a SQL statement to combine them in the database later. Thanks for the response!