Running TracerPlus Connect as a Service

Hi All

I am still a bit of a newbie to TracerPlus, as I only work on it for one customer, and that's only part-time.

I have noticed that TracerPlus Connect does not automatically run as a 'service' and therefore needs the application to be running in order for the Connect Server to run. Are there any guides anywhere as to how to change TracerPlus Connect to a Service that runs automatically, as it will eventually be hosted on an applications server.

Many thanks, and pardon my ignorance if the answer is obvious.


Hi Tom, TracerPlus Connect should run as a service after you've installed it. You should see a little TracerPlus icon in the system tray that monitors the service; clicking on it allows you to stop and start the service.

You can check by running services.msc and looking for the TracerPlus Connect 9 Sync Server service. It should be started and its startup type should be automatic. If the service is running, the TracerPlus Connect Management Studio does not need to be running to sync with a device. However, note that if you want to sync through the service you should specify the correct port the service is running on when configuring your host in your mobile application settings. The default port for the sync service is 4404.

You should also specify which Connect project the service should run; you do this in the Tools -> Preferences menu in Connect.

Hope this helps!
Hi Oliver

Thanks for replying again - I really appreciate your help.

We already have the syncing working fine, but only if we have opened the TracerPlus Connect program. If not, when trying to sync we get a 'Login Failed' error. As soon as I open TracerPlus Connect on the server, the login works and files get transferred OK. I don't have admin rights on the server as they use a 3rd party IT company for server provision and support, so I just need to copy your answer to them and hope they can sort it out.

Thanks again.



Hi Tom,

One really important thing here is that if you want to sync over the service, you have to change the host IP in your mobile app configuration. If you don't do this, you will get a login failed error message. This is because the service listens on a different port than the Management Studio (4404 vs 4403). Be sure to check this, as I assume this (the configured host IP in the mobile app) is something you control, and not your customer?

For example, if you have configured a host IP of in your app, you will have to change it to if you want to sync over the service. If you have that set correctly and you're still running into problems, then it may be something else causing it.
Hi Oliver

Thank you for this.

I wondered what the second port option was for - we are working with the application open on 4403, so I wondered why 4404 was mentioned in the TracerPlus info,


We now have TracerPlus Connect and two mobile devices registered and running (sort of).

We have a problem in that if the Connect application is running, data transfers without a problem from the mobile devices to the host (Desktop is showing the port to use as 4403).

I changed the port to 4404 and can confirm that Connect is running as a background service (services.msc showing it as 'Auto' and 'started'), but when I try to sync from a device, the login starts but I get a sync timeout immediately.

Can anyone advise on this please?

I am listing the last entry here as a separate issue as I think people may not be looking at this as the question heading it is different.