Sync at TP Start


New Member
I would like to be able to sync when you first start Tracerplus, instead of syncing when you are in a session.

On TP Desktop > project>Connect>Sync conditions
In the case you start TP on the mobile , _let's imagine_ you have a
table of articles to syncronize _once (1 time) _before making an invent
and typing anything. You can not do it automatically.

I propose to add the sync condition "on TP Mobile start"
W. Piedfort - Productivix France


That's a good suggestion. Me, in cases where a sync needs to happen before you start the scanning process, I just configure the session so that it starts on a tab where there is only 1 button that says "Click to start", for example. This button will trigger the sync, and afterwards move to the next tab (via the Goto Control Index property) where the user can start the scanning process. That way the user is forced to start the sync manually before they can do anything else.

But it would be nice if we could configure it to sync automatically on startup.

Dan Peluso

Staff member

Oliver's suggestion is a great and common way to do this. I should note though that we added a concept called condition logic to our recent 9.0 release. This allows things like sync on form initialize to happen through programmable conditional logic items.

I invite anyone to take a look at some of the videos we have posted on conditional logic because it opens up a world of possibilities.