Sync via service on cradle connection


Hi guys,

This article in the Knowledgebase describes how to set up an application to start a sync automatically when the device is cradled. However, it says at the bottom "with TracerPlus Connect open (...)". Does that mean this doesn't work with the Sync Service?

I've tried to get it to work and it doesn't seem like it, but that may be because there's a different problem somewhere, so I thought I'd ask here to be sure. There's no point in me trying to troubleshoot something that's not intended to work in the first place :)

It'd be super handy if this worked with the service, although I can sort of understand why that wouldn't be possible.

Dan Peluso

Staff member

Since this is a device side setting, using the Service or the TP Connect Management Studio application should not matter. There is a note at the bottom of that article that indicates you would just need to set the port to be 4404 for the service (or what you changed it to, if applicable).

There is also a note about configuring the USB a bit differently and that it cannot be supported on all devices. If you send over the device model, I can try to confirm if we have tested it on that device.

Also, keep in mind that this is a Windows Mobile only feature as Android does not support a USB notification like we require for this feature.


Hi Dan, thanks for the confirmation. I'm glad to hear that it should work. It does work without problems with the Management Studio open via port 4403. But when trying it via the service (after changing the port), the device does start a sync upon cradling, but it "completes" instantly saying "completed 0 of 0". The correct project is loaded for the service under Preferences.

It's a Zebra MC67 running Windows Mobile. But no need to look into this further for the moment, I'll do some troubleshooting myself. I just wanted to confirm if it should be possible before I go digging any further, so thanks for that.


Okay, it's working now. Manually restarting the sync service did the trick. Awesome, this is really a super handy feature :)

Dan Peluso

Staff member
Great news. For anyone else reading this thread, I was going to suggest first checking operation of the service via normal sync. From the device perspective, there really should be no difference but glad to hear you got it working.