8.1 New Features
- TP Desktop Undo in Desktop form designer.
- TP Desktop/TP WM Custom SQL variable type.
- TP Desktop/TP WM/Android GPS averaging for much higher precision GPS coordinates.
- TP Desktop/TP WM RFID read indicators on a button (Reader ON/OFF Green/Red indicators)
- TP Desktop/TP WM/Android "Custom file import/export options (dialog selector, etc)"
- TP Desktop/TP WM/Android Custom sound option when data is changed
- TP Desktop/TP WM/Android Increment/Decrement counter button actions
- TP Android Date/Time Picker in Android
- TP Android Android sample apps have now been included in the default download.
- TP WM Delete All performance improvement
- TP Android Back button now supports going to previous page in Android
- TP Android Android auto screen sizing is now vastly improved
- TP Desktop/TP Connect TracerPlus application updates can now install without having to uninstall first.
- TP Android Signature popup size is now configurable for Android devices.
- TP WM RFID user memory bank reading in conjunction with EPC memory bank.
- TP WM/TP Android New go to control ID when RFID scan is done. (Example: When RFID scanning complete all records are auto submitted with no user interaction)
- TP WM Major RFID performance upgrades.
- TP Connect TracerPlus Connect performance improvements.
- TP Connect TracerPlus Connect installation is now UAC(User Account Control) aware.