Tom Millington
We now have TracerPlus Connect and two mobile devices registered and running (sort of).
We have a problem in that if the Connect application is running, data transfers without a problem from the mobile devices to the host (Desktop is showing the port to use as 4403).
I changed the port to 4404 and can confirm that Connect is running as a background service (services.msc showing it as 'Auto' and 'started'), but when I try to sync from a device, the login starts but I get a sync timeout message immediately.
Can anyone advise on this please?
We have a problem in that if the Connect application is running, data transfers without a problem from the mobile devices to the host (Desktop is showing the port to use as 4403).
I changed the port to 4404 and can confirm that Connect is running as a background service (services.msc showing it as 'Auto' and 'started'), but when I try to sync from a device, the login starts but I get a sync timeout message immediately.
Can anyone advise on this please?