Two Text Files Being Generated

Hi - Newbie here.

I have now managed to set up a sync that works (almost).

I needed a time/date stamp appended to a text file name being sent from the device to the host server, so I did the following.

Destination file name = RP1300_SyncToHost.txt
In Destination / Advanced / Text options, I set 'Create Unique File Suffix' to 'DateTime'.

This works well, in that it creates a file in the folder on our server (eg 'RP1300_SyncToHost_1602170511000852.txt')

The problem is that it creates an empty file 'RP1300_SyncToHost.txt' as well, which is not required.

Am I doing something wrong here? This additional file is a nuisance as the Excel VBA code I have created to read 'any' file in the target folder tries to read this one as well.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
Hi Tom,

'RP1300_SyncToHost.txt' is the base file it is referencing and needs to be there in order to create the unique files off of it. Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of this.