Unable to access 2D scanner (Gen2Wave)

Hi, I am a newbie so apologise in advance for what may be a daft question.

I am trying to learn how to program a TracerPlus application into a Gen2Wave RP1300 device. I have got a basic program copied over and working, in that it scans, but it is only using the internal camera (this is a camera phone device with a built-in 2D scanner). I need it to be defaulting to the 2D scanner. I know the 2D scanner works because there is a built in barcode test app which works fine on the 2D scanner.

Does anyone know if there is a setting I need to put into the TracerPlus program to tell to select the 2D rather than the phone camera?

Howard Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Tom,

I'm not too familiar with that device, but my guess is the scanner is not supported in TracerPlus. The standard way to get around this is to start up the manufacturers bar code wedge application. A bar code wedge application is basically a program that runs in the background, and enables the scanner. When a bar code is scanned the data will be entered into the field that currently has the cursor/focus. This can be any of the fields you have configured in your TracerPlus form. Take a look in the Programs list for something along these lines. Sometimes it could be in the Settings area as well. Almost all manufacturers will supply an application like this.

Let us know if this helps.
Hi Howard

Thanks for your response, but I cannot see any sign of a bar code wedge application on the Gen2Wave. It is an android device, and the only thing I can see is BarcodeScanned Demo, and that works brilliantly. I know it has a Samsung S5PV210 CPU, but we don't get much more information than that. The manual has similar levels of usefulness to a chocolate teapot - even the instructions for the inbuilt barcode test app are wrong.

Howard Heckman III

Staff member
I've been looking around on their website for any information regarding a scan wedge, with no luck so far. I'll continue to research this and see if I can find anything.

I'll keep you posted.
Its a few weeks since I was on this project but I am back on it again, but still with the same issues (ie, I can get TracerPlus loaded and running the apps, but it only uses the built in phone camera and not the laser reader).

The makers of the RP1300 barcode reader (Gen2Wave) have sent me a small video showing their barcode reader in use, running TracerPlus, with the laser reader. In other words, they got it working.

They said that all I have to do is make the following change, but they have not said where I need to make the change, or how. I am not a techie on Android, and they don't seem to understand this. I tried it in the standard settings (from the home screen) but that had no effect. Do I need to do this using a software development kit, and if so how do I go about it? Any help would be appreciated.

"If you don’t need the “camera scanning”

Check “Enable Direct Input” under the path “Scanner Wedge path : Settings >Barcode >”

After checking, there will be no problem using barcode scanner."

Fahim Ali

New Member

There might be a Scanner Wedge application on your device. You will need to access the settings specified above in said app. Please look around in your app drawer until you see something that might resemble such an app, and then the rest of the instructions should be easy to follow. Unfortunately we do not have a RP1300 so I can't be more specific, however if you still require help I would suggest you contact Gen2Wave again and ask them to be very specific as to how to enable the barcode scanner.