Unretire Licensing

Anthony Asselta

New Member
I'd love to be able to retire a device and then unretire it at a later time. My reasoning for this is we often have a device that is lost or broken with a registered client. Some times it is not a device we are willing to repair immediately so it gets retired so we can use the license on another device. Later we will repair the old device and when a new one is broken we will cycle in the refurbished unit. At this time we can't do this without purging the licensing database on the connect server.

Dan Peluso

Staff member
The concept of retiring is intended to be a permanent removal of that device from the list. With active support agreements, we do offer options to swap devices in the event of a hardware failure or similar though.

Anthony Asselta

New Member
That's fair. We swap devices a lot due to our seasonal nature. We'd be more likely to have spare licenses on hand to device swap and write new programs if we could revert a retired license even if there was a limit on how many times you could do it in a period of time so as not to abuse it.