Updating Data Source Fields

Brady Fearnow

New Member
After adding fields in the desktop project, I would like to refresh the data source fields in connect so I can make the relationship. The only way I have gotten this to work when using a live profile is to recreate the profile. This can be time consuming when you have multiple sessions. Am I doing this correctly? Thanks.

Howard Heckman III

Staff member
Hi Brady,

Usually the best way to go about this is to simply close TracerPlus Connect and re-open after you have made your TracerPlus Desktop project changes. This should allow you to map any additional fields you have added to the project without having to refresh the entire project.

Let us know if this helps.

Brady Fearnow

New Member
Thanks. next question... When I was first learning this software I created a project, which has since been removed. I am noticing, however it is still making inserts into the database on my server. I do not now how to make it stop, but every few seconds it inserts new rows. I have also completely uninstalled the instance of tracerplus on the handheld. Any suggestions?

Dan Peluso

Staff member
Regarding the rogue inserts, Ray's suggestion would likely stop the inserts but I would be curious to know where they are coming from. A couple of things to consider:

1. You may have TP Connect running as a Windows Service and some device is connecting to that doing the sync
2. You may have configured timed syncs in TP Desktop for the device so that data syncs are happening in the background.
3. If you have uninstalled TracerPlus on the handheld and it is the only handheld, I think it would have to be something other than TracerPlus doing these inserts.