What is Peak RSSI?

John T

Staff member
When using the ClearStream software, there is a field titled Peak RSSI. What is it there for? What is Peak RSSI and RSSI in general?

John T

Staff member
RSSI, or Received Signal Strength Indicator, is a field in ClearStream which displays the measured RSSI levels within a RFID Antenna. RSSI represents a measure of the power level that a radio frequency device receives from a source. Often expressed in db or percentages, RSSI can be either negative or positive, and the closer to zero it gets, the better (when in terms of db). When represented in terms of percentage, 100% is better than 0%. A good signal strength would be (-)50db/50%, an okay signal strength would be (-)75db or 25%, a bad one would be (-)90db or 10%, and (-)100db or 0% would mean no reading at all.

It’s a little confusing, but all that you really need to take away from this article is that Peak RSSI would be the highest level of RSSI read during the read process. And that ClearStream measures/displays RSSI in percentages, so in ClearStream, the closer to (+/-)100, the better.