Windows 10 Minimized Screens & Icon - Two Quibbles

Ian Bowden

New Member
I haven't used TP for a while - and the last time I did, Windows 10 didn't exist. So, I don't know if these quibbles are inherent in W10 or just TP in general.

Quibble #1

I like to reference past TP projects when working on a new one. Because TP doesn't have MDI (multi document interface) - what might also be termed "multiple windows in one session" - I have no choice but to open two instances of TP Desktop at the same time. I've got no problem with this, but easily knowing which instance has which project running in it is the quibble.

Look at the screenshot snippet in the file I uploaded and notice how my mouse pointer is currently over the taskbar after clicking on the TP Desktop icon. See how neither little minimized screen picture gives me a clue about which instance is running which project? Most other Windows programs will state both the name of the program and the active file in the header area of the picture. Oddly enough, TP Connect shows this exactly the way I'd like it to be, but TP Desktop doesn't!

Quibble #2

Refer to the same screenshot snippet. See the icon on the taskbar that's immediately to the right of the one I've just clicked on? That's the icon for TP Connect. See how not-different (i.e. exactly the same) it looks to the TP Desktop icon?! Do you think that maybe it would be nice to have a different looking icon for each separate product? If so, dummies like me could more easily choose the running TP program we want from the taskbar with our mouse - the first time!

As I previously stated, I don't know if these are inherent to Windows 10 or not - but they bug me, nevertheless!


Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
On item 2, it looks like this may have been an upgrade so try unpinning these from the taskbar and re-pinning to see if the icons come back. They definitely shouldn't be the blank white icons you are seeing.

Ian Bowden

New Member
I obviously didn't give enough info! There was no "pinning" being done here. That is, I haven't gone and pinned TP Desktop to the taskbar. I have merely opened up two instances of the program via normal means (i.e. clicking a desktop shortcut icon twice). Oddly, I cannot pin either TP Desktop or TP Connect to the taskbar; when I find either of those programs via the Win 10 start button and right-click on them, the option is never there! I can unpin either from the Start Menu - but nothing to do with the taskbar! I sure can do this with other programs. Weird.

Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
Was this an upgrade from a previous version or a fresh install? I am on Windows 10 and we have a few other PCs here as well and don't see this issue with the icons so wonder if there is some issue on that specific PC. The only time I have seen these white out is when upgrading from a previous version. What happens if you try to pin it, unpin it and then pin it again? This usually resolves my upgrade issue.

Ian Bowden

New Member
My copy of TP Desktop was a fresh install on a machine that had never had it in the past.
The icons are whited-out - as per my screenshot - when the programs are running/active. As I previously stated, this doesn't occur when pinning the programs - because Win 10 doesn't make it possible for me to pin them to the taskbar! (Some programs it allows pinning to the taskbar, some not.) This inconsistency doesn't make sense and I've combed through lots of postings of other people with the same problem and haven't found a fix. So, perhaps this quibble is caused by an anomaly that is, ultimately, Microsoft's fault.