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  1. T

    Running TracerPlus Connect as a Service

    Hi Oliver Thank you for this. I wondered what the second port option was for - we are working with the application open on 4403, so I wondered why 4404 was mentioned in the TracerPlus info, Regards Tom
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    Running TracerPlus Connect as a Service

    Hi Oliver Thanks for replying again - I really appreciate your help. We already have the syncing working fine, but only if we have opened the TracerPlus Connect program. If not, when trying to sync we get a 'Login Failed' error. As soon as I open TracerPlus Connect on the server, the login...
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    Running TracerPlus Connect as a Service

    Hi All I am still a bit of a newbie to TracerPlus, as I only work on it for one customer, and that's only part-time. I have noticed that TracerPlus Connect does not automatically run as a 'service' and therefore needs the application to be running in order for the Connect Server to run. Are...
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    Two Text Files Being Generated

    Hi Joseph I have now got around this additional file issue and all appears to be working. Thanks for the advice. Regards Tom
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    Two Text Files Being Generated

    Thanks Joseph I will have to write something into my VBA scripting to ignore this file. Regards Tom
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    Two Text Files Being Generated

    Hi - Newbie here. I have now managed to set up a sync that works (almost). I needed a time/date stamp appended to a text file name being sent from the device to the host server, so I did the following. Destination file name = RP1300_SyncToHost.txt In Destination / Advanced / Text options, I...
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    Include Device ID in File (Content or Name)

    Thanks Oliver - that works fine. I just need to work on how to get the data into Excel using VBA - I have an idea how to do that.
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    Include Device ID in File (Content or Name)

    Hi Joseph I would love to sync this to a .csv or .txt as they seem to be far more flexible than syncing to a .xls. The problem is that the resultant file has to be read into another Excel workbook using Excel VBA. I am not an Excel specialist and could only seem to get the data in a row to read...
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    Include Device ID in File (Content or Name)

    Hi. I am a bit of a newbie here so please excuse me if this has been asked before. I am also not sure if this should be in the Mobile Client forum, or in Desktop or Connect so sending it to all three (also sorry if this breaks any forum rules). We have a very simple app - it reads barcodes...
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    Copying file from TracerPlus on Android to Windows

    Hi Both Thank you for your comments. I have installed the SDK tools and used the ADB pull command as a line in a batch file, and it works fine. I tried using the ADB shell command to view the content of folders on the Android (knowing a few UNIX/Linux shell commands comes in handy) but hit the...
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    Copying file from TracerPlus on Android to Windows

    Hi. I have an android phone/barcode reader running TracerPlus, and I need to read the text file from the TracerPlus folder on the device to a windows 7 PC. I can do this using explorer as it sees the android file system, but I need to be able to do it using a windows batch file as it is part of...
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    Unable to access 2D scanner (Gen2Wave)

    Its a few weeks since I was on this project but I am back on it again, but still with the same issues (ie, I can get TracerPlus loaded and running the apps, but it only uses the built in phone camera and not the laser reader). The makers of the RP1300 barcode reader (Gen2Wave) have sent me a...
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    Unable to access 2D scanner (Gen2Wave)

    Thanks Howard. Greatly appreciated.
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    Unable to access 2D scanner (Gen2Wave)

    Hi Howard Thanks for your response, but I cannot see any sign of a bar code wedge application on the Gen2Wave. It is an android device, and the only thing I can see is BarcodeScanned Demo, and that works brilliantly. I know it has a Samsung S5PV210 CPU, but we don't get much more information...
  15. T

    Unable to access 2D scanner (Gen2Wave)

    Hi, I am a newbie so apologise in advance for what may be a daft question. I am trying to learn how to program a TracerPlus application into a Gen2Wave RP1300 device. I have got a basic program copied over and working, in that it scans, but it is only using the internal camera (this is a camera...