Search results

  1. D

    Re-activate a retired device

    Hi, Oliver's advice is the best bet. We intentionally do not allow un-retiring of a device. You would need to contact your sales rep and/or our tech support via the TracerPlus support ticket system to open a case with us. Thanks.
  2. D

    Connect w/ ODBC Connection

    OK. I actually don't recall that feature as you describe it. Since TPConnect is generally intended to be more of an unattended sync, we tended to stay away from any message prompting during the sync itself. Currently, if you try to write a duplicate record to a column that is marked as a...
  3. D

    Form Connect to a database table

    Hi, Both of these concepts are feature request s that we are considering. 1. For this one, there is currently no way to get a live list of users to validate a login. As I mentioned, this is a feature we are considering for a future release of TracerPlus. I don't have a solid timetable for...
  4. D

    Connect w/ ODBC Connection

    Hi, I am not 100% sure of the option you are referencing in ODBC Link but there are Update and Update/Append options in TP Connect that seem like they would do what you are interested in. These settings are in the TracerPlus Connect configuration of a sync process in the Destination settings...
  5. D

    Send Username/Device ID to TracerConnect

    Hi, You can create a variable field to reflect either the User (the logged in user if using logins) or the device ID. This field value would then be saved with each record. 1. Add a new field and set its Field Type = Variable. 2. From the variable options tab, select the appropriate...
  6. D

    Dynamics AX & Real Time Data

    Hi, Most enterprise software like Dynamics does not encourage directly writing to the data tables so it makes sense that Dynamics would want to limit this. Most applications, including Dynamics do allow for outside data updates via some type of business rules engine accessible via SDK, web...
  7. D

    Signature box on Android behavior

    Hi James, What is the device type/OS you are using? We have had reports of similar behavior in pop up dialogs like the signature box or the number pad. It usually relates to some combination of device screen size and or OS version. If you send that information over, I can have one of our...
  8. D

    Connect Support for TP Publisher with Multiple Apps

    Hi Tim, One quick question: Are you trying to sync from the device via a Sync button or are you trying to use the Sync All/Sync Selected option within TracerPlus Connect itself? You may want to initiate a support ticket on our side because I imagine our support reps will want to take a look...
  9. D

    not forwarding

    Hi, Welcome to the forum. A couple of questions. 1. In your After scan settings for the field in question, do you have the GotoField set to the field you want it to go to next. I assume this is the setting that you are referring to. 2. Is the Goto Field marked as Readonly? 3. Are you also...
  10. D

    Copying file from TracerPlus on Android to Windows

    Hi, I was going to answer similar to James in that using MTP is not likely scriptable. Using ADB may be a great option if you are able to put your phone into debug mode. This may or may not be possible depending on corporate environment/policies but it could be a good option. The BT approach...
  11. D

    Upgrading to Tracerplus 9.1

    Hi Bob, There may be others in the community with some additional opinion but I can add some insight. Version 8 and Version 9 should install/operate independently on both the PC (TracerPlus Desktop and TracerPlus Connect) as well as on the mobile device. The one catch is with TP Connect in...
  12. D

    Integration between project properties and session advanced properties

    Hi, I apologize for the delayed response. Thanks for the feedback. I will add this to our feature wish list for a next release.
  13. D

    Questions - Dropdowns and Connect Filtering

    Hi, I apologize for the delay on this answer. 1. This is not currently possible but is on our feature wish list. You can, however, use the grid control to perform some of this similar functionality. 2. The dynamic filter would be the suggestion I would make here but you are correct that it...
  14. D

    Pop up field doesn't respect visible attribute

    Hi, This does look like an issue. I have logged this as an issue and one of our developers will take a look at a fix.
  15. D

    Validation and Visible=False fields

    I see. I think using conditional logic combined with validation would make sense here. Just as a starting point, you could add a conditional logic item for the OnSubmit event that could set a value to a hidden field based on some condition (e.g. "Clock Out" + Qty > 0) and then set a...
  16. D

    Pop up field doesn't respect visible attribute

    Hi. I am not seeing the behavior you describe. If I set a DD to be visible = false, the control does not display. If I set the Form Designer visible attribute to True and control the visible property via the conditional logic, all seems to work ok. If setting visible to false in the form...
  17. D

    Go To Field and visible=false

    Hi Andrew, This is by design but I believe there is an existing feature request to review how this behaves. Currently, there may be a way to accomplish this via conditional logic. Could you use the same condition/logic that decides visibility of field (b), to also control setting focus to...
  18. D

    Validation and Visible=False fields

    Hi Andrew, This is true and by design. We have a lot of users, internal and external who use validation rules in a lot of interesting ways. Some of those approaches rely on needing to validate even not visible fields. For example, sometimes a validation requires some behind the scenes...
  19. D

    SetVisible in Form Logic

    I will have someone take a look at that. At first glance, I agree that initial visibility setting would/should not affect the behavior of conditional logic. There may be a case where that is designed intentionally but I am not thinking of it off the top of my head.
  20. D

    Information box popping up on client

    Hi, This sounds like TP Connect is presenting the trial mode nag screen during a live mode connection. This indicates that TracerPlus connect is treating the device as in trial mode because either the device is not registered and/or TP Connect is not registered. If there is a way to send over...