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    Cipherlab 9700 Connecting to Windows 10

    Hi, Thanks for that detailed write up. That goes above and beyond but that's what makes the TracerPlus community better than most, in my opinion. I will see that we can also add this to our FAQ/KB for anyone else who may run into this issue. Thanks again.
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    Not updating data

    Hi, It is hard to say what might be happening without seeing your project. If you post your project here, some users may have some advice. Alternatively, if you have an active support agreement with us, you can send your project to our support group for someone to take a look at.
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    Hi, Yes. In TracerPlus Desktop, you can set the field properties for the text box control to be "MultiLine" = true from the property grid for the selected Text box control. You can then size the text box for the appropriate height.
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    Whats the best way to do this.

    Hi, It sounds like something TracerPlus can do via the Lookup feature and/or the Entry Form Data grid. The first option (Lookups) is inherently using filters to return ONE record after a configured trigger field fires the lookup. The second option (data grid) allows the option to set explicit...
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    Best way to restore form values after a data view?

    Hi, If I am understanding correctly, your users are leaving the Entry form to return to the View Data form to see the records in a grid layout. Since the edit form does not retain previous values like y0u would need, there is not a way to do this as you describe. I think the best option would...
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    Adding a profile clears mappings???

    Hi Jeremy, This should not be expected at all. I have not seen this behavior and don't see any previous reports for anything similar. Is there any particular, reproducible configuration that may be causing it to happen?
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    Undo in Form Logic

    Hi, Thanks for the feedback. I have added this as a feautre request.
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    Troubleshoot - Asset Inventory database erased during inventory exercise

    Hi, There is not much in the way of logging on the device itself unfortunately. Depending on how you are synhronizing data, there may be some options. 1. If you are using text file import/export on the device, it may be possible to check the time/date stamp of the last created export file...
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    Salesforce Integration Suggesitons

    Hi, 1. Mappings are cleared whenever a data source or destination is changed and/or refreshed. We have this as an open item on our side to improve. 2. I do not agree that this never works. I think you are extending *your* experience to *all* of our users which is not something we have the...
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    Update Process Improvements

    Hi Jeremy, In response to your comments/questions. 1. Every release of TracerPlus strives to improve performance and/or functionality of the previous version. Sometimes, this requires changes to the underlying architecture that would make it unreasonable/impossible to support backwards...
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    Salesforce Integration Suggesitons

    Hi Jeremy, I agree this makes sense. I will add this as a feature request. Thanks for the feedback.
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    Reuse Connection

    Hi, Unfortunately, since the concept of a common connection to multiple processes does not exist, this is not possible in the way you are requesting it. There is a feature request in to allow this to be a little easier. **In the meantime, one approach that I have used in the past is to create...
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    How can I find out the details of "Error retrieving live data"?

    Hi, Your best bet would be to review the log file. The log file can be accessed via the View-->Event log menu option. You can also set the logging level from Info (default) to Verbose via the Tools-->Preferences menu option or if watching it live, you can set this logging level temporarily...
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    Specify export location in TracerPlus Desktop

    Hi Oliver, The option to specify a custom filename may be what you are thinking of. And, as you mention, there is the ability to specify a custom export path at the time of export but there is not a TP Desktop option to pre-specify this and/or set as a default. I will add this on our side as...
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    Use a timestamp to name export files

    Hi Oliver, I will add this to our feature request list. Generally, we treat the device level import/exports as the simpler versions of data exchange while recommending TP Connect as the preferred method of syncing data involving more complex requirements.
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    Switching between sessions

    Hi, We do not currently support actively switching between sessions. This is a requested option and is currently on our feature request list. Our normal suggestion is to use the approach you mention namely the idea of using tab controls within the same session to accomplish what you need. Of...
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    What's going on with this process?

    Hi, Is there anything else listed in the log file? There is usually some type of error message posted if there is something wrong in the actual act of trying to post the record.
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    Check Box bringing back NULL value in SQL Database

    Sure thing. We have an open feature request for the option to define the values of logical True/False. One thing some customers do have success with is using a lookup (that's what I thought you might be trying). The lookup would be defined to look into another dedicated session storing only...
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    Check Box bringing back NULL value in SQL Database

    Hi, In TracerPlus, checkbox values are stored as strings of "True" or "False". They are not actually stored as binary data or even 1/0. Could this be affecting your SQL update? The other thing that *may* be related is how you have your lookup defined for this checkbox item. Is it...
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    Delay between Scans

    Hi, To add to what Joe said....Some scanners allow setting a delay between scans in the scanner settings themselves. If applicable, you may want to take a look at the scanner settings at the device level.