TracerPlus 10.0 Release Notes (7/9/2018)

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Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
10.0.0 Build 1673 - Initial Release - 7/9/2018

New Features

  • Full iOS support - Create apps for iPhones, iPads and iPods.
  • Zebra TC20/RFD2000 RFID Sled Integration - TracerPlus supports all RFID functions of the RFD2000 RFID Sled.
  • Zebra RFID RFD8500 now supports Barcode and RFID - This still requires switching modes on the sled between Barcode and RFID.
  • Improved connectivity/Performance of Zebra RFD8500 Sled - This should help with connectivity issues seen in the past.
  • TracerPlus now natively supports the barcode scanner on all Zebra Android devices no longer requiring datawedge.
  • User logins now support Active Directory using a Live Profile in TracerPlus Connect - This enables users to use their existing credentials and permissions.
  • User logins can now reference session/database data and be synced using TracerPlus Connect - This allows uses to be added/removed without the need to redeploy the project.
  • Native SQL server syncing now supported in TracerPlus Connect no longer requiring an ODBC driver to be setup in Windows.
  • Sync/Download Project buttons added on user login form - This enables users to sync their user lists and/or download project updates without logging in.
  • Introduced named field tokens to be used in form logic ("Field 1" or "Asset ID" instead of [*2*]).
  • Radio button controls now have a Hide Refresh button option on Windows Mobile/CE devices.
  • Using the 'Geiger Counter' feature now offers a power adjustment while actively reading a tag - this helps when homing in on an RFID tag when near other tags.
  • Introduced a "Download Project" Button Action for over the air project updates - This enables users to get project updates over the air with a click of a button.
  • Added Log Out option for android devices.
  • Updated/Optimized the default Launcher screen for Android.
  • TracerPlus Desktop Publisher Edition now allows additional files to be packaged with branded product (Registration files, import files, etc).
  • TracerPlus Desktop Deploy Server can now use a configurable IP Address to generate QR Codes - This is useful when needing to deploy projects using WAN.
  • Added RFID Set Power button action for setting RFID power level on the device without the need to redeploy the project.
  • Improved Excel performance.
  • Improved some ODBC query performance (record count/schema retrievals).
  • Resizable/Settable signature canvas area now available on Android/iOS.
  • Pen/background Color is now settable for Signatures on Android/iOS.
  • Added <GS> (Group Separator) character to default parsing list for calc fields.
  • Optimized Launcher Screen for less common display sizes.
  • Added option to allow settable number of default icons on Launcher Screen for Windows Mobile/CE devices.
  • Added support for BLE devices.
  • Added an option to enable/disable prompting for "Save Data" on Home button press.
  • TracerPlus Desktop now allows a TracerPlus version value to be displayed on the entry form using the [*version*] attribute.
  • Added more dynamic file naming options to TracerPlus Connect text file syncing, Expanded file naming options.
  • A warning added to TracerPlus Connect when referencing a user level project from the Windows Service.
  • Added a warning to reset "Logon As" options for the TracerPlus Connect Service after re-installing.
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Joseph Kraebel

Staff member
10.0.0 Build 1673 - Initial Release - 7/9/2018

Bug Fixes

TracerPlus Desktop Bugs:
  • Transparent labels show as black in the form designer.
  • Setting a Must Match validation but do not select a field does not set the compare field correctly.
  • Publisher shows as installed after uninstalling if it is still registered.
  • Publisher install should have a build number or version.
  • Publisher build process needs a finished status dialog.
  • Session Icons not saving correctly from imported project.
  • Improved documentation for how the Action Control setting behaves.
  • Form Logic action field should be wrappable / expand row height.
  • Project deploy issue when deleting form designer tab control and using undo.
  • Cancel button option added to confirmation button action.
  • Deploy Server QR code pops up even though it is unchecked.
  • TP Desktop can incorrectly detect existence of publisher.
  • Unable to concatenate a datetime field as part of a string.
  • Attempting to open an inaccessible project from welcome screen can causes crash (e.g. invalid network drive).
  • Selecting Require login should force at least one user in the list.
  • Sync timer IDs can become corrupted causing bad timer firing in WM only.
  • Configured RFID power level ignored on some devices - Always used full power.
  • Selecting custom Session Icons does not remember last folder location.
  • Entry form grid will not display if any column has a missing assigned field.
  • Controls set to visible false by default cannot be made visible via form logic.
  • Scaling a form with a grid is not changing the grid font size.
  • Blank items in radio button list causes problems.
TracerPlus Connect bugs:
  • Project does not save if only a field mapping is changed.
  • Syncing to Excel wiping out references from other sheets.
  • Excel overwrite is very slow.
  • No error reporting when posting data in live mode with errors.
  • License count on satellite PCs showing 0's when license file imported.
  • Issues when switching field order in a mapped TP Desktop project linked to a live profile.
  • PC only sync processes not shown when initiating a sync on the device.
  • Live mode processes can be overwritten in certain cases.
  • Blank data being synced when using TP Connect Windows Service and referencing a user's profile My Documents location.
  • Data not showing up in TP Connect when using MS Access query and certain settings.
  • Using the data viewer with Salesforce Sync process can cause application crash.
  • Data exceptions raised when using TP Connect SUM feature on a database text/char field.
  • Unable to start/stop windows service from start menu shortcuts in Windows 10.
  • SQL Server can fail to retrieve views from schemas other than default/dbo.
  • Writing empty string to SQL Server int field generates a CRITICAL log entry but should be set to WARNING.
  • A single row of Excel data will not sync to Drop down fields.
  • Using the data Append option with a start row greater than 1 clears column headers in some cases.
  • Using a Text file source and then removing text file from disk causes invalid field mappings.
  • Using Dynamic filters can post data incorrectly if using append and/or overwrite options.
  • Source and destination tables should present alphabetically.

TracerPlus Device Bugs (Android/iOS/WM):
  • Android/iOS - Data view Filter section needs some design changes.
  • Android/iOS - Previous record shows when editing a record in live mode.
  • Android/iOS - Issue with Using form timers along with sync timers during submit.
  • Android/iOS - Entry grid does not scroll when the entry form is greater than the screen size.
  • Android/iOS - Number pad popup can be cutoff in some cases.
  • Android/iOS - No hourglass when doing a cache grid post.
  • Android/iOS - Case sensitivity success using lookups now matches Windows Mobile.
  • Android/iOS - DoSync button action Goto Control ID not working.
  • Android/iOS - Captured image should be viewable directly on entry form.
  • Android/iOS - Enter key not firing a grid filter.
  • Android/iOS - Filtered drop downs with textcase upper not displaying values.
  • Android/iOS - Read-only Checkbox doesn't work.
  • Android/iOS - Deploying a Professional Mode project to a device running Standard mode fails to warn user.
  • Android/iOS - Screen rotation does not always work correctly within TracerPlus.
  • Android/iOS - Default value on record submit behaves differently in Android/iOS than in WM/CE.
  • Android/iOS - App appears to hang when trying to launch camera with certain first field settings.
  • Android/iOS - ValidationSuccess logic event did not always fire.
  • Android/iOS - Barcode scans not accepted on login form with some devices.
  • Android/iOS - Moving drop down controls via form logic can fail if also setting visible property.
  • Android/iOS - Text file exports only sending each row with a line feed instead of CRLF.
  • Android/iOS - Unexpected refresh of GPS values in some configurations.
  • Android/iOS - Issues using field token more than once in a Custom SQL WHERE clause.
  • Android/iOS - Mod calc operator not firing when using Trigger field.
  • Android/iOS - MIN/MAX functions do not work for data type GENERAL/TEXT.
  • Android/iOS - DB navigation can freeze app with 0 records.
  • Android/iOS - Calculated field option calculates random value if 2nd radio button option never selected.
  • Android/iOS - A single field triggering multiple lookups can return results out of order (if relevant to configuration).
  • Android/iOS - Smartform "Trigger "After Scan" does not refresh a dependent calc field.
  • Android/iOS - Scanning of QR code for web deploy not working on devices with embedded barcode scanner.
  • Android/iOS - Showing "View Data" only Launcher can still open to data entry form.
  • Android/iOS - AfterScan form logic rules sometimes fired after a "Lost Focus" event.
  • Android/iOS - Grid controls filtered by radio buttons don't refresh when first opening the form.
  • Android/iOS - Keyboard Go/Next button causes inconsistent behavior.
  • Android/iOS - Entry form grid control not showing the toolbar in some cases.
  • Android/iOS - Records can still be submitted with a modal dialog box open.
  • Android/iOS - Cached grid filtering not working for android when reading RFID tags in some cases.
  • Android/iOS - Drop Down Read only setting not respected if using barcode scanner with Smart Form.
  • Android/iOS - Clicking keyboard <Enter>/<Tab> key on password field in Login screen should close keyboard.
  • Android/iOS - Drop Down field with "Use DB" option causes record submit update options issues.
  • Android/iOS - Read of RFID memory bank not triggering calcs when smartfrom rule configured.
  • Android/iOS - Scan stop setting effecting geiger mode.
  • Android/iOS - Setting invalid power value on an RFID set power control causes it to stop working.
  • Android/iOS - Messaging dialog does not always go away when sending SMS message.
  • Android - Barcode scan beeps stop working on CipherLab RS30 over time.
  • WM/CE - TP locking up on deploy with certain devices.
  • WM/CE - Grid record count tied to a field control clearing field after a submit.
  • WM/CE - Cases where entry form grid control not scroll-able if no record count.
  • WM/CE - Read all RFID memory banks during scan can cause crash.
  • WM/CE - Autonumber not setting when restored from a cab file.
  • WM/CE - Live mode DBNext button action resets when tied to a grid.
  • WM/CE - "Disable Data Changed" trigger on null still fires after a submit.
  • WM/CE - Set BackColor for a button does not work with OnClick form logic.
  • WM/CE - Default values used for drop downs with use DB Value not consistent.
  • WM/CE - Editing a record with *shorter* values than previous can prevent saving of the edit.
  • WM/CE - "Clear All" button action GoTo Control ID does not always work.
  • WM/CE - Initial loading of entry form with a default value does not refresh filtered drop downs.
  • WM/CE - Lookups can update wrong source row if multiple lookups use the same source session.
  • WM/CE - Default value does not refresh on Submit when using Drop Down w/ Default Value.
  • WM/CE - Update existing option can hang application on submit if item does not exist.
  • WM/CE - Smartform feature should be disabled when using Geiger.
  • WM/CE - Validation issue when submit on error is used on more than one field.
  • WM/CE - Editing a record does not correctly populate drop downs using Restrict to List items and a filter field of higher field index.
  • WM/CE - Pressing enter on a cell in editable grid causes app to close.
  • WM/CE - Calculated Field does not consistently refresh when using a filtered drop down value as one of the operands.
  • WM/CE - Record count not correct when editing from Data view grid filter and using retain grid filter.
  • WM/CE - Having a radio button configured but not displayed on the form can cause a crash.
  • WM/CE - Using calculated type with a radio button type causes the app to crash.
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