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  1. D

    Unable to write to RFID tags; No Response from Reader

    Hi. This should be a generally supported function within TracerPlus for sure but there can be a number of configuration options and/or environments that could affect writing of tags. If you have an active support agreement with us, I would suggest creating a support ticket via...
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    Button Open Different Session

    Hi, Unfortunately, this option is not possible at the moment. It is something people have requested in the past and we are currently reviewing some design options to implement it. As an alternative, you may be able to use the tab control to create different tab pages that represent different...
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    Dynamics AX & Real Time Data

    @RickHardy: I was referring to using the integration tools that Dynamics offers for a PTS customization. We have done this in the past with integrations to specific/less common software solutions.
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    TracerPlus Connect sync UpdateExisting date filter

    I think this makes sense. I have added this to our features request list.
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    Making Printers Project Specific and printer reports Session Specific

    I agree with this (I think). I did want to clarify what you are running up against though. It sounds like you are trying to set up multiple reports *or* multiple conditions on when you might print a report. Since the only real difference in my assumption is something like the condition of...
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    Make selected grid item disappear with button

    You answered yourself before I got a chance to make this suggestion. Without knowing too much else about your project, this would have been the suggestion I would have made so glad to hear it worked for you. For others reading this thread, Trevor used our custom SQL form logic option to...
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    Sync via service on cradle connection

    Great news. For anyone else reading this thread, I was going to suggest first checking operation of the service via normal sync. From the device perspective, there really should be no difference but glad to hear you got it working.
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    Sync via service on cradle connection

    Hi, Since this is a device side setting, using the Service or the TP Connect Management Studio application should not matter. There is a note at the bottom of that article that indicates you would just need to set the port to be 4404 for the service (or what you changed it to, if applicable)...
  9. D

    Duplicate ID #'s

    Hi Russ, If you have not already, it may be worth it to send the project over to us. This seems to be a generally rare issue so maybe something common in your project would be a clue to what is causing it.
  10. D

    Problems with live data grid

    Hi, You may have been updated via the ticket but also wanted to update here. As it turns out, this issue is related to assigning the Barcode field also as a lookup field. Since this is really the *source* of data for the other lookups, it should not also be set as a lookup itself. This was...
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    Button Becomes Visible On Multiple Tabs

    Hi, We have been able to confirm this as a Windows drawing issue as it relates to child tab pages and their sub components. I have marked it for fixing in v10 but, in the meantime, I have what looks to be a usable workaround. The basic idea is to use the SetPosition action as oppposed to set...
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    Alien Handheld Scanners

    Hi, Do you mean when using TracerPlus or just in reading the tags in general (maybe in some other application)?
  13. D

    Button Becomes Visible On Multiple Tabs

    Hi, I am actually able to reproduce some portion of this. Very odd really. What I am seeing is that everything works fine the first time as you mentioned but then when changing data in either Field 1 or Field 2, the button assigned to become visible becomes immediately visible on Tab 1...
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    Create a custom login screen

    Here is a link to one of our sample apps that shows part of what you might be interested in for using form navigation like I described above.
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    Create a custom login screen

    Hi, The login screen cannot be customized but you could use the entry form to create a similar effect to logins and use tab(page) navigation to move the users around among different tabs(pages) as appropriate. You would want to implement this via a combination of Navigation buttons on the form...
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    Custom Launcher, Icon (BMP) Placement

    Hi, I apologize for the late response. Android does not yet support the concept of custom icons in the Launcher. I was under the impression this was highlighted in the User Guide but I have created a request on our side to be sure that it is.
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    Cipherlab 9700 Connecting to Windows 10

    I have found this post to be helpful for multiple devices but cannot say for sure if it will work for the Honeywell 7600. There may be drivers required from Honeywell that are compatible to Windows 10 if the above does not help.
  18. D

    Button Becomes Visible On Multiple Tabs

    Hi, Without seeing your project, my first guess would be that the button is not actually a "child control" of the tab control. You can test this by trying to move the button off of the tab control. If you are able to move it off the tab control and still see it, that tells me that it is not...
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    Updating Data Source Fields

    Regarding the rogue inserts, Ray's suggestion would likely stop the inserts but I would be curious to know where they are coming from. A couple of things to consider: 1. You may have TP Connect running as a Windows Service and some device is connecting to that doing the sync 2. You may have...
  20. D

    How to make a unique ID by scan session?

    Hi, Your description sounds like it could work. It also makes sense to do something with each device (like device ID) to keep it unique in a multi device environment. To clarify the Time/Date Stamp suggestion above. If you use the Clear On Submit option turned OFF for this time/date field...