Search results

  1. D

    Cannot Connect Symbol/Zebra MC319Z

    Hi, Some of these fixes are mentioned in our knowledge base area at If you search for Windows 10, you should see a couple of different articles appear that tend to help most users.
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    Label to show last scanned item problem

    Another way to do this is via a Lookup session. You could use a 2nd session to always store the last scanned value using a Lookup with the Update Source option turned on. Essentially what you are then doing is always updating 1 record in the lookup session with the last scanned value. Using...
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    Mobile Client on Android "Host none defined" Error

    Hi, This is definitely not a trial mode limitation since this type of connection would be allowed in trial mode. My feeling is that you may not have any live sessions configured. That wireless status icon is really intended to represent your 'current' connectivity status when in live mode so...
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    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    Hi, No, there should have been no upgrade steps required from 9.x to 9.5. You are correct though that the Hide Keyboard option was likely added in 9.5. I don't recall specifically but that sounds about right. If you want to attach your project via File-->Export menu option, I can take a look.
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    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    Hi, Glad to hear you are close. Without seeing your project, here are a few suggestions. 1. If your project is configured to be an Android project by default (under the Project Tab properties), you will have an option avaialable to you for any text field on the form in the Form Designer. If...
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    Example of Comparing Two Barcodes

    Hi Tom, If you export your project in TP Desktop via the File-->Export option, you can attach it here and I can take a look. For your 2nd question, it is **mainly** true that you would want to merge the sessions into one TracerPlus project to use the one instance of TracerPlus on the device...
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    Grouping Controls in Form Designer

    Thanks for the feedback on this. This is a good idea. We have something similar we are working on that involves grouping of controls and also allows for customizable tree views of the form logic items so that they can be sorted/nested based on custom criteria (like group id and/or event type...
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    RFID on the TC20 set up for file tracking - Video

    Thanks Oliver. Link is now fixed.
  9. D

    Sync successful (with errors)

    Hi, Usually the Sync Successful (with errors) indicates that while the sync process itself was successful, there may have been some data level errors. To identify this, you can take a look at the event log to see if anything was noted as an error during the data post itself. Additionally, you...
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    Additional logging/diagnostics on Mobile client

    Hi, We do not currently have pre-built/accessible logging available at the gun level; though we have some ability to debug in our development environment if we can arrange that for specific cases. I know that you have created a ticket for this issue with our support group so I will keep you...
  11. D

    Hi, I apologize for the delayed response but you posted this to your personal profile as...

    Hi, I apologize for the delayed response but you posted this to your personal profile as opposed to the community forum. In answer to your question, current pricing should be listed on this page.
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    Hi, I apologize for this being so delayed but this posted under your profile as opposed to...

    Hi, I apologize for this being so delayed but this posted under your profile as opposed to under the forum groups so I didn't notice it. In the future, your best bet would be to post to one of our community forums. In answer to this question specifically, this sounds like a limit of the trial...
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    V10 Desktop alongside V9.5?

    Yes, TP Connect would have the same behavior. The only thing to consider with TP Connect though is the port usage. By default, both 9.5 and 10.0 will be trying to use the default ports of 4403 and 4404. You will not be able to *run* both apps at the same time unless you change one of those...
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    V10 Desktop alongside V9.5?

    Hi, Version 10 will install along side to TP 9.5 so you should be ok installing that in line with 9.5. On the device side, it will also install seperately as a 2nd app so no crossover effect should happen there either. I don't think we have release notes available for this beta release but I...
  15. D

    Unable to transfer data from TC20

    Hi, From the log (further up), it looks like you are requesting to sync a profile id of "-1". This makes me think that the Profile ID is not set in the Form Designer button action. When you select the "DoSync" button action, 2 properties are exposed that need to be set (the Profile ID and the...
  16. D

    Two functions I can’t work out.

    Hi, Great news. The eagle eye mostly belongs to Oliver :). The custom SQL options in TracerPlus support the common SQL language that is used by either SQL CE on Windows Mobile or SQL Lite on Android. Both of these databases do support most SQL commands but there are a few exceptions. Any SQL...
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    Custom color of signature capture

    Hi, Unfortunately, this is not currently settable but I have added it as a feature request. It is too late to make into our upcoming v10, but it would be considered for future versions.
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    Two functions I can’t work out.

    Hi, 1. You should be able to use validation for this. So, for example, if you have a DESCR being returned from your lookup session, you could validate this field to be a Min Length=1. With that validation, it would fail to submit/save if the Item was not found (b/c Descr would be blank on a...
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    Maintaining Multiple, Similar Projects

    Hi, If you use the File-->Save As option in TP Desktop for your existing project, it should allow you to create a copy of the existing project and not affect your current linked project in TP Connect. Similarly, you could do this for your TP Connect project as well. Based on your question, I...
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    form error

    Hi, I am also a little bit confused. If you have an active support agreement with us, I would encourage you to create a ticket via www, via the support menu option. With that said, I can make a couple of suggestions. 1. It sounds like you want the data flow to be Code then...