Search results

  1. Joseph Kraebel

    Dynamic Dropdowns

    Hello All, Dynamic dropdowns are definitely on our new features list however we are not quite sure when this will land. The concept we would most likely be using is grabbing data from a session itself similar to how the grid workaround James suggested works. This would also enable the drop...
  2. Joseph Kraebel

    Clear All Button not clearing all

    It would be best to create a support ticket below and send us an export of your desktop project (.tpe).
  3. Joseph Kraebel

    Flow control options

    Hi Steve, Thanks for the feedback. I have commented on your two points below: 1. We have a Confirmation Prompt button action that can handle the Yes / No actions that you mention however this prompt lacks the Cancel button so it would either have to be a Yes or a No. 2. I have even asked for...
  4. Joseph Kraebel

    Clear All Button not clearing all

    Are you by chance using the DB value for this drop down? I noticed if I have this enabled then Clear All does not clear this field.
  5. Joseph Kraebel

    Clear All Button not clearing all

    Can you tell me what Version and Build of TracerPlus you are currently running via the Help-->About screen.
  6. Joseph Kraebel

    Clear All Button not clearing all

    Hi Chandi, Are you using a Windows Mobile/CE or Android based device? A few things to check with the Clear All button action by navigating to the Form Designer and clicking the Clear All button on your Form: 1. If you have fields set to read only you will need to make sure the Include Read...
  7. Joseph Kraebel

    populate a field based on form logic

    You may be able to use logic with this if you are ok with overwriting the value in field 1's drop down if it is set to Other. Basically you could do an If field 2 is not null, set value of field 1 to field 2's contents. The full rule may go something like this: On AfterScan of Field 2, If Field...
  8. Joseph Kraebel

    Undo on accedental tab control delete.

    Thanks for the project. I was able to repro this based on the steps you provided and will log this as a bug. Thanks for letting us know.
  9. Joseph Kraebel

    Delay between Scans

    Hi Tom, I believe we addressed this via a support ticket but will post the info here for other users to see. We don't have the ability to add a delay but you could add validation to each of the fields to have a min length of 1 to prevent submits without data.
  10. Joseph Kraebel

    Undo on accedental tab control delete.

    Hi Steve, Do you have any specific steps for other then removing the tab? I tried removing the tab control on a few projects however when clicking undo and then deploying was not getting that error message. I was able to get this message if I deleted the tab control, then saved the project...
  11. Joseph Kraebel

    Form Logic Action Field

    Thanks for the feedback Steve. I will log this as a feature request.
  12. Joseph Kraebel

    TracerPlus Connect running as a service but not working properly

    Hi Tom, Take a look at the article below to see if that helps:
  13. Joseph Kraebel

    TracerPlus 7.1 and older Release Notes (1/15/2012)

    Click on the link below for a Change Log on versions prior to 8:
  14. Joseph Kraebel

    Two Text Files Being Generated

    Hi Tom, 'RP1300_SyncToHost.txt' is the base file it is referencing and needs to be there in order to create the unique files off of it. Unfortunately there is no way to get rid of this.
  15. Joseph Kraebel

    Include Device ID in File (Content or Name)

    Hi Tom, Currently we don't have a way to embed the device ID into the filename but is on our feature request list. One thing you can do if you sync this to a .txt or .csv file is append a unique date/time stamp or counter to each file synced so you will always have a unique file. This coupled...
  16. Joseph Kraebel

    Submit event not firing in Read-Only session

    Hi Andrew, This is by design as a read-only session disables the submit action which is what triggers the on submit rules. Could you use an AfterScan event instead or maybe an OnClick rule if you're pressing a button to submit?
  17. Joseph Kraebel

    Form Logic Events and Radio Buttons

    Hi Tim, This does appear to be an issue and will log as a bug. I'm curious to know if you did try it referencing different control ids?
  18. Joseph Kraebel

    Escape key function on Devices

    What I have done in the past in the case of the file menu being hidden is to add a new session for the sole purpose of exiting the app. Once you enter the this session you can enter a passcode that gets looked up/validated and if it passes will allow you to exit. If it fails it will prevent the...
  19. Joseph Kraebel

    Escape key function on Devices

    Hi Shaun, Can you elaborate on a use case of this as there may be a way to do what you are asking?
  20. Joseph Kraebel

    Can specify the Export Filename on the fly, in the Scanner?

    It appears you may be attempting the export from the data entry screen which would result in this item being greyed out in version 9. You should be able to do the custom export if you try it from the Launcher screen or Data View screen. On a side note we have addressed this in the upcoming 9.1...